Assessment # 5: Review of the workshop (TSP # 3) from a classmate

Good day (morning? night? evening?) to everyone in here. I hope y’all doing well; I know I am since I’m almost done with my classes. Granted that means that I have to finish some art stuff quickly before this week ends but whatever, I personally just wanna be done with this so I can enjoy christmas. I’m also relieved that I finished the workshop assignment with my friends, which I’m sure is the same feeling that my classmates have as well. I want to make this post to personally talk about another two of my friends’ workshop, to not only praise the work they did, but to also criticize and recommend a fix they could do, if we were to do something similar like this in the future. My friends Ari and Gabe did a presentation on Google Slides, and in my eyes they managed to articulate what the app was about and what it offers in a way that made sense. If you want to see their work, go to their posts respectively down here:

Ari’s blog: TPS #3

Gamers minds: TPS #3

Like I said, they both managed to articulate what the app was about in a way that wasn’t confusing, but I also want to praise how they were able entertain the audience. Gabe and Ari did a good job in providing some comic relief when talking to everyone, which helped in breaking the ice a bit with the 10th graders. They also managed to do this very well by doing the Kahoot at the beginning and at the end, which doesn’t seem like much until you consider that everyone in here loves the ever living balls out of Kahoot, so starting with one was a great way of getting everyone excited and ending with one was a great way of knowing if everyone was paying attention or not. As for what I would fix, well to be honest the only thing I would fix is the presentation it self. I just feel like they should’ve added more information rather than one sentence or three words per slide, but since most of the info of what the app does was said by them, they probably didn’t want to put every single piece of it on the slides, which I can respect. But if that was the case then maybe they could’ve put some pictures or little symbols in the slides, not to the point that it would cause a sensory overload, but enough so that they didn’t look empty and lifeless. Either way I still think they did a good job explaining what Slides was about in a way that was entertaining and fun, and I can commend them for that.

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