Special Work #10: Reflecting on the 3rd Trimester 

Hello people of earth!! I am back once again in here to do a bit of reflecting on the things we had to do in this trimester. So far, it definitely wasn’t the worst one, however the assignments we had to do were definitely time consuming (I’m surprised I was able to do them all). Like, there weren’t a lot, but those few we got took me a long time to complete. So now I think it’s best to analyze them and see what I did and maybe even learned. So with that out of the way, let’s get into my analysis.

I think that the first work I did that I outright remember was the questionnaire for the blog. While I screwed up in not taking into account the participants ages and gender, I felt like I did better than I expected since I got a lot of data from that one survey. It also taught me a lot on I should conduct a survey, knowledge that I would use for when I needed to do a survey for my monograph. Speaking of which, I’d say that making the page for the monograph was the more annoying work for me, not because it was hard, but because I still needed to work on my monograph survey that had a lot of issues. The work that definitely took me the most amount of time was the board game, just the general brainstorming and montage of the instructions took me a lot of time to make, since I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Even after I finished I felt as though the final result was underwhelming since I feel as though it could’ve been more challenging. Aside from those, we also did another presentation about the apps we’ll use the most in this year, an essay of an article relating to the topic of our blog, and general blog maintenance.

But that was pretty much it from this year, I doubt that I’ll ever go back to having a relatively easy trimester, though I’ve managed to come this far so what’s the worst that could happen at this point? Jokes aside, I really hope that I get to finish the assignments of the next trimester on time, since I really don’t want to deal with having too much homework for one day. Anyways, I hope that I get to do good things these semesters, as I still want to achieve good grades in all of my works. I hope you all enjoyed my works these months and if you have any issues then let me know in the comments. Enjoy your evening!!

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