Assessment #1: Reflecting back on the advantages of emulation

So, you might’ve noticed I’ve updated the site a few hours ago to include a presentation I did, although it’s in Spanish, I hope most of you were able to understand it and enjoy, I’ll also promise to add more text to future presentations so that certain slides are understandable. Now, the reason as to why I decided to do this post is because I thought it be cool to share my general thoughts and feelings on the project as a whole.

I think it be best to start with what difficulties I had as a whole; generally the hardest thing to do was the visual presentation, I originally didn’t know what “theme” I wanted for the slides, but after thinking about it for a while, I choose a video game theme for the visuals as it fit the topic of video game emulation. The real issue was getting good pictures for the backgrounds, making png files that looked stylish for the video game consoles and buttons in the slides, and generally completing each instruction that our teacher gave us. And it’s interesting that I say this because writing my points and overall arguments was the easiest part, sure it took me three days to write down everything, even if it doesn’t seem like it (there were some paragraphs that weren’t in the presentation because it was always meant to be showcased in front of a class), and I got distracted a lot; but I had a pretty good idea of what to write, which made it easier.

Honestly, thinking of it know, it does kind of showcase how much time and energy I waste doing these things that are only like 50 points. For next time, I’m going to try my hardest to not get distracted by anything while I work, and I’m also going to stop being a perfectionist on everything and complete everything to the best of my abilities.

Here’s the presentation in case you’ve missed it

Assessment #2: Reflecting back on why vectors are great

So, I finally managed to put out another presentation, this time it’s about the advantages that vectors have over raster graphics. If you’re interested in checking it out, then click on the link at the bottom of the reflexion.

Honestly this presentation was easier than the last one, for me at least, since I already had an idea of what to do and what my topic what going to be. The creation of the presentation was definitely easier than the last, especially since I didn’t have to add around 5 different shapes on many slides, and I generally went for a simpler visual style. I will say, the hardest thing for me was putting all of the photos in the presentations, since I had to take a bunch of screenshots. Aside from that, the overall workflow of the presentation was definitely easier than last time, since I had a vision in my mind on how I was going to carry my ideas into the presentation. Also, can I just say how useful those videos were? not only did they help me with the information presented, but they were so easy to implement in the slide as well.

If there was any criticism I have to give to myself, it would be that the bullet points can be sometimes hard to read as I the visuals can make it a bit hard understand them.

Here’s the presentation if you missed it

Assessment #3: Reflecting on the special work (apps)

Hey there, It’s been a while (and by that I mean a couple of hours)! So recently, our class finished every single work for this trimester, and we had to pick 4 presentations that our classmates did, as well as the put the presentations I did, check out the list I did down here (Google sheets is required).

Personally I found Kris Mew’s presentation about Reddit really great, because it seemed like they knew the information and app to great extent. Kris also brought some visual flair with this presentation, with them using anime backgrounds and squares in which text was put in, making it look clean and nice. The other presentation I liked was weeabooborimua’s Trelby presentation, not necessarily for the information or the visual presentation (since it’s pretty basic if I’m being honest), but more so for the fact that they tried to communicate and entertain the audience with the purposely bad drawing at the beginning of the presentation, and the questions at the end respectively. Honestly though, I think I would use Socratic – presented by ariapf – out of all of the ones I mentioned, since it’s great for homework and school as a whole.

Assessment #6: Reflecting on the 2nd Trimester

What the dank stanking is up everyone! This year of class is almost over, and I for one can’t wait since I need to take a break for once. Technically it’s a break-and-a-half since I’m gonna learn how to drive and more advanced drawing techniques; that and I gotta make a 20 page essay for next semester, which is a great way to ask a student if they want to quit school entirely ;v;. Actually, speaking of semesters, this one was rough, not because of the amount of content in the assessments, but rather the length and the abundance of them. There were some in there that took so long to do that I’m surprised I didn’t became a mummy by the end of them. We also had work, after work, after work that wasn’t hard, at least for me, but it was definitely annoying to finish all of them. With all that said, I certainly don’t want to remember the negatives only, so it’s time that I take a look back at all the good times I had in this trimester.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the presentation I did with Kris Mew and Weeabooboricua on Google Keep. While it was a chore to do, it was fun just talking and being with them. Best part about it all was how much we laughed throughout the creation of the project (especially since me and Weeabooboricua kept laughing at a squeaky Lego train, yes we are mature I can assure you).  At the end of it all, I felt so proud when we showed off our hard work to our assigned group, since it was like a weight had been lifted off our shoulders.

In general, I had a pretty good time in class just hanging out and talking with all of my friends whenever we were free. Not only are they really funny, but they’re just good company overall. Apart from them, I also been having a pretty good time just writing posts with random topics on my blog. It allows me to have an outlet to let go and talk about whatever the I want that maybe some of my friends don’t necessarily care. I also can just be honest about my current thoughts and topics I like. I probably felt this the most when I made my November post, I was about the newly released Metroid game, which looked great; and the fact that I could just talk about every single thing I like about it, felt a bit cathartic?? I don’t know how to express it but it just felt great.

Before I leave I also want to mention that, I’ll try to make more posts about art on my, y’know, blog about ART and games. And that I’ll slightly change some of the minor things in the blog, like the colors and some tags. This semester was very long and filled with a ton of work that was annoying to get done. But I’d be lying here if I at the very least didn’t have fun through out most of it. Stay safe out here everyone and have a great christmas!

One thought on “

  1. I must say your posts are entertaining. They give me a lot of insight into your thoughts. What’s up with the 20-page essay? Did I read that correctly? What class is that? I’m sure you’ll have time to work on it. Right? Anyway, enjoy your holiday break.


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