Task #19: Insert “screen recording”

So this is it, the final assignment for this blog. I’ll just go ahead and say that this is, in my opinion, the best thing I’ve done on this website, and I hope you agree as well. I hope you guys enjoyed what I had to say in here, it was liberating to talk aboutContinue reading “Task #19: Insert “screen recording””

Assessment #8: Creation of a board game for middle school students related to the theme of the portal

(UPDATE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE POST) UGGHHH, I know I haven’t posted in a while, I’ve just been extremely busy lately. But hey, I’m here and with something very special. I made a game!! It’s called “Draw it!!!” I personally found the brainstorming process of this to be the hardest part of making thisContinue reading “Assessment #8: Creation of a board game for middle school students related to the theme of the portal”

Special work # 7: Blog Page Entry (December)

Hello people of dignified culture, hope you’re all well today. You guys excited for Christmas? I sure am. Because of that, I’ve decided to make a post about Christmas because I have nothing else to talk about (yay!). I’ll be talking about stuff that just interests me that I could possibly get for the holiday,Continue reading “Special work # 7: Blog Page Entry (December)”

2021-2022 Criteria #2: Presentation/Workshop #3

Hey there bois and gals, I haven’t posted in almost a week now… so sorry about that ;-;. Anyways, I’m finally back, and I’m ready to post an unique and interesting project we had over the course of October and November. For this presentation, the class had to work with a classmate to create aContinue reading “2021-2022 Criteria #2: Presentation/Workshop #3”

Special work # 6: Blog Page Entry (November)

So, it’s no secret that I’m a fan of the Metroid series. You can see this on my reflexions page where I have a drawing of Samus in her armor, as well as when I made the Google Drawings work based on Metroid Prime. Surprisingly, I only became a fan this year after playing theContinue reading “Special work # 6: Blog Page Entry (November)”

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